jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var img = "https://austindiamondbuyer.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Eliminate-the-middleman.jpg", title = "Eliminate the Middleman" $('#opty_blog-cover').prepend($('') .attr({ src: img, alt: title }) .addClass('opty_blog-img') ); }); lang="en-US"> Eliminate the Middleman in Diamond Buying-M.I. Trading
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Eliminate the Middleman

Eliminate the Middleman

by | Apr 10, 2016 | M.I. Trading tips, blog, diamond buying and selling, tips


Selling your diamond is a process.  Make it less complicated by eliminating the middleman…

Eliminating the middleman in your diamond evaluation and selling experience can increase the value of your diamond by 50% more than retail prices. The use of middlemen in the Diamond business decreases the prices you are offered for your diamond unnecessarily.  A professional gemologist like ours at M.I. Trading is well versed in the nuances of Diamonds and can advise you on all aspects of your diamond.

Always eliminate the middleman to ensure the quality of your diamond is exactly what you think it is. Onsite certifications and inspections provide you with accurate and worry-free quotes.  At M.I. Trading the gemologist is always on site and your diamond is never far from you so you can rest assured that all assessments are accurate and professional.


Taking extra steps to protect your investment is important therefore you should always insist that a professional gemologist is the person who evaluates your diamond first hand. Since we have an expert gemologist onsite at M.I. Trading we never have to take your diamond elsewhere to examine. We won’t call anyone on Skype to look at it for us and we certainly do not take your diamond and send it away.

When a gem lab grades a diamond according to the 4C’s of Diamond quality, it issues a certificate that denotes the diamond’s qualities. The qualities of carat weight, color, clarity and cut grade as well as other aspects such as measurements, polish and fluorescence all help determine the resale value of your diamond.

When you talk to real diamond experts, they will be able to educate you about what you have on the spot.

We at M.I. Trading strongly recommends selling diamonds to sources that are recognized diamond experts; where they have a gemologist on site to do all of their diamond evaluations and work in a transparent manner. When you talk to real diamond experts, they will be able to educate you about what you have on the spot. When considering selling something as expensive and sentimental as a diamond you want to be 100% certain of the price you will receive, we understand the pressure you are under and take great efforts to walk you through every step of the diamond selling process.

Like what you read? Be sure to read our other posts all about the fascinating world of diamonds:

Step By Step Guide To Diamond Cutting

The World’s Most Expensive Diamonds – The Shocking Truth

Diamond Mining In A Modern World




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