Why You Should Avoid Shipping Your Diamonds to Get a Quote

Why You Should Avoid Shipping Your Diamonds to Get a Quote

Shipping your diamond to receive a quote is an ill-advised practice. It can be difficult to protect the stone from damage during transit, and it leaves you at the mercy of a faceless entity as far as trustworthiness and expertise are concerned. At Austin Diamond... read more
Optimizing Your Diamond Quality Evaluation with the 4 C’s

Optimizing Your Diamond Quality Evaluation with the 4 C’s

When shopping for a diamond, the quality of the stone is an imperative factor. Not only do high-quality diamonds provide greater value and beauty, but they also stand the test of time better than lower-quality stones. Many people don’t realize that there is more... read more
Diamond Evaluation: Everything You Need To Know

Diamond Evaluation: Everything You Need To Know

Perhaps you have one or multiple old diamonds, given to you from an engagement ring, wedding ring, or stud earrings. It’s common knowledge that diamonds are expensive, but do you know the exact value of your diamond? If you have an old diamond or diamond and... read more

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